Insect Treat
- Birds enjoy our suet year round
- Ingredients include rendered beef suet, millet, corn, and dehydrated insects
- Attracts insect & grub eating birds as well as suet & seed eaters
- Year-round use
Insect Treat is produced by melting the highest quality beef fat; blending it with a variety of seeds and insects which are then poured into our trays to harden. C&S's quality and special processes allow suet to be fed year round resulting in suet feeding success by our consumers.
Wild Bird Suet is traditionally fed in vinyl - coated wire cages. They are inexpensive and durable. Wire dimensions vary depending on how starling or squirrel resistant you want your feeder to be. The cages, or baskets, hold from 1 - several C&S Suet Cakes or Bricks. The cages may be hung from branches, tree trunks, or hooks. There are also several designs available combining wire with wood or plastic.