High Energy Suet
- Ideal for suet cake feeders
- Contains sunflower seeds, millet, and corn for added nutrition.
- High energy food for wild birds only
- Will become soft and pliable at 100 degrees if exposed to extreme heat
- They will return to normal hardness at room temperature
C&S High Energy Suet will attract a wider range of birds to your backyard buffet which results in success "Year Round" wild bird feeding. Refrigerate for easy removal. Remove wrap and insert into suet feeder.
Wild Bird Suet is traditionally fed in vinyl - coated wire cages. They are inexpensive and durable. Wire dimensions vary depending on how starling or squirrel resistant you want your feeder to be. The cages, or baskets, hold from 1 - several C&S Suet Cakes or Bricks. The cages may be hung from branches, tree trunks, or hooks. There are also several designs available combining wire with wood or plastic.