Pecan Delight No Melt Suet Dough
- Nutritionally balanced to provide wild birds with much needed energy
- Place in suet feeder and hang from the trunk or branch of a tree
- Create less waste, less mess and are longer lasting
- Product may contain 1 or all of the following allergens: fish and shellfish
- Made in USA
Pecan Delight is blending the same high quality beef fat with a base of corn meal and roasted peanuts. Other quality ingredients are added and mixed into a soft dough texture and then pressed into a cake form. C&S's process, unlike others who pour their dough products into a tray, creates the only true no melt suet product line in the world. This produces products unmatched in the industry for year round feeding in all types of weather. Attracts a better variety of birds.
Wild Bird Suet is traditionally fed in vinyl - coated wire cages. They are inexpensive and durable. Wire dimensions vary depending on how starling or squirrel resistant you want your feeder to be. The cages, or baskets, hold from 1 - several C&S Suet Cakes or Bricks. The cages may be hung from branches, tree trunks, or hooks. There are also several designs available combining wire with wood or plastic.